地平线视野三岁的学生手册 Horizons Preschool for Three's Student Workbook







产品编码 -  PRS001


产品尺寸:6 x 3 x 0.5  英寸





Publisher :  USA Alpha Omega Publications


Country/Region of Manufacture:United States

Product ID:  PRS001

Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.70 pounds

Product Dimensions:  6 x 3 x 0.5  inches

ISBN:  9780740329968




  • 1.7 lb
  • 可售
  • Ships within 3-7 days1

通过培养适合年龄的技能的活动,为您的年轻家庭学校学生创造有趣的学习体验。每课对应每日圣经故事读物的选择,包括四张工作表,以及学生工作簿伴侣中的额外工作表。通过技能的发展序列,这 40 节课涵盖了计数、追踪、匹配和排序,以及识别字母、数字、形状、颜色等。

Create a fun learning experience for your young homeschool student with activities that develop age-appropriate skills. Each lesson corresponds to the daily Bible Story Reader selection and includes four worksheets, as well as an additional worksheet in the Student Workbook Companion. Through a developmental sequence of skills, the 40 lessons cover counting, tracing, matching, and sequencing, as well as recognizing letters, numbers, shapes, colors, and more.



通过培养适合年龄的技能的活动,为您三岁的孩子创造有趣的学习体验。每课对应每日圣经故事读物的选择,包括四张工作表,以及学生工作簿伴侣中的额外工作表。通过技能的发展序列,这 40 节课涵盖了计数、追踪、匹配和排序,以及识别字母、数字、形状、颜色等。

对学生在每张工作表上能完成什么的期望应该与他们的能力相匹配,这在这个年龄段会有很大差异。一些人将能够书写、描摹和涂色,而另一些人将随着课程的推进而发展这些运动技能。一些匹配活动可能需要口头完成,成功的追踪可能需要老师画虚线。一些学生将能够使用铅笔,但蜡笔对大多数人来说效果最好。手写活动包括练习,但不一定要掌握。在这本来自 Alpha Omega Publications 的工作簿中,允许学生用手指追踪字母并引导他们的手完成字母排列是完全可以接受的。



Create a fun learning experience for your three-year-old with activities that develop age-appropriate skills. Each lesson corresponds to the daily Bible Story Reader selection and includes four worksheets, as well as an additional worksheet in the Student Workbook Companion. Through a developmental sequence of skills, the 40 lessons cover counting, tracing, matching, and sequencing, as well as recognizing letters, numbers, shapes, colors, and more.

Expectations for what students can accomplish on each of the worksheets should match their abilities, which will vary greatly at this age. Some will be able to write, trace, and color, while others will develop these motor skills as they advance in the course. Some matching activities may need to be completed orally, and successful tracing may require the teacher to draw dotted lines. Some students will be able to use pencils, but crayons will work best for most. Handwriting activities are included for practice but not necessarily mastery. Allowing students to trace letters with their fingers and guiding their hands through letter formations is perfectly acceptable in this workbook from Alpha Omega Publications.


  • 打印工作簿
  • 螺旋式学习形式
  • 教师主导的课程
  • 彩色插图

At a Glance

  • Print workbooks
  • Spiral learning format
  • Teacher-led curriculum
  • Colorful illustrations


  • 基督教工作簿课程
  • PreK-12 年级
  • 基于螺旋式强化学习
  • 教师指导课程
  • 实践活动
  • 健康和体育选修课


  • Christian Workbook Curriculum
  • Grades PreK-12
  • Spiral-based to Reinforce Learning
  • Teacher-directed Curriculum
  • Hands-on Activities
  • Health and Physical Education Electives