美国阿尔法欧米伽出版社 LIFEPAC® 一年级圣经学生本 1-10 册套装 USA ALPHA OMEGA PUBLICATIONS LIFEPAC® 1st Grade Bible 10-Unit Set








产品编码 -   BIB0100

产品重量:2.40 磅

产品尺寸:11.6 x 9.4 x 4  英寸





Publisher :  USA Alpha Omega Publications


Country/Region of Manufacture:United States

Product ID:   BIB0100

Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 2.40 pounds

Product Dimensions:  11.6 x 9.4 x 4  inches

ISBN:   9780867170023





  • 2.4 lb
  • 可售
  • Ships within 3-7 days1


需要生命课程的学生本的教材教你的一年级学生圣经 - 但不需要老师的指导本? 这里获得生命课程一年级圣经学生本1-10册的套装! 这一年的圣经课程包括可消耗的十本学生本。 在这个阿尔法欧米加课程中的每个学生本包括全彩色课程,自我测试和可移动的教师管理测试。


Want to teach your first grader the Bible with the LIFEPAC unit worktexts—but don't need the teacher's guide? Then get the LIFEPAC 1st Grade Bible 10-Unit Set! These ten consumable worktexts include Bible lessons for one full year. Each worktext in this Alpha Omega curriculum includes full-color lessons, self tests, and a removable teacher-administered test.




你准备好用最畅销的生命课程教你的一年级生关于圣经吗?但是,你是否想在没有老师指导本的情况下获得学生本?不是问题。阿尔法欧米茄出版社有你想要的解决方案 -生命课程 一年级圣经学生本1-10册套装!这套教材包含十个为你的年轻学习者特别制作的丰富多彩的作品 - 包括对基督教初始原则和经典圣经故事的综合概述。每个基于圣经的一年级圣经学生本提供一步一步的教训,迷人的插图和有趣的词联想练习。主题包括上帝的创造,爱,善良,祷告,旧约和新约的故事,传教士,上帝的应许,等等!


这并非全部。 生命课程一年级圣经10单元套装有明亮易学的课程,其中包括填空题,配对练习,点对点图片等等。另外还有另外一点,就是不像压倒性的教科书,每个小小的工作内容都会激励你的孩子以减小的尺寸完成消耗性的圣经课程。而这种薄型的家庭学校的学生本本可以在三到四周内完成 - 想象学生们会有多兴奋!准备好最好的部分?每个生命课程学生本都包括概念评论,自我测试和一个可移除的,拆出来使用的教师管理的单元测试页面 - 全部用于巩固理解力和强化概念。所以不要再等了,你只需轻松一步就可以获得全年的阿尔法欧米茄课程!现在就订购最畅销的生命课程一年级圣经学生本 1-10 册套装。



Are you ready to teach your first grader about the Bible with the best-selling LIFEPAC curriculum? But do you want to get the worktexts without the teacher's guide? Not a problem. Alpha Omega Publications has the solution you want—the LIFEPAC 1st Grade Bible 10-Unit Set! This set contains ten colorful worktexts made especially for your young learner—and includes a comprehensive overview of beginning Christian principles and classic Bible stories. Each Scripture-based first grade Bible worktext offers step-by-step lessons, captivating illustrations, and fun word association exercises. Topics include God's Creation, Love, Goodness, Prayer, Old and New Testament stories, Missionaries, God's Promises, and more!

That's not all either. The LIFEPAC 1st Grade Bible 10-Unit Set has bright, easy-to-follow lessons that include fill-in-the-blank questions, matching exercises, dot-to-dot pictures, and a lot more. And here's another plus—unlike overwhelming textbooks, each small worktext will motivate your child to complete consumable Bible lessons with its reduced size. And this slim homeschool worktext can be completed in as little as three to four weeks—imagine how excited he'll feel! Ready for the best part? Each LIFEPAC worktext includes concept reviews, self tests, and one removable teacher-administered unit test—all used to solidify comprehension and reinforce concepts. So don't wait any longer—you can get a full year's Alpha Omega curriculum in one easy step! Just order the best-selling LIFEPAC1st Grade Bible 10-Unit Set today.