Horizons G7 Pre-Algebra Set 地平线七年级前代数套装 - 价格含美国到香港或澳门运费


    • Product Details






      Publisher :  Alpha Omega Publications






      Country/Region of Manufacture:United States



      Product ID:  JMC700

      产品编码 -   JMC700


      Product Dimensions: 5 x 8.5 x 11.0 inches

      产品尺寸:5 x 8.5 x 11.0 英寸

    • ISBN: 9780740322426
    • ISBN-10: 0740322427
    • ISBN-13: 9780740322426


    • Original Price: $120.00 

      10% off  price:  $108.00


    • 教材原价:$120.00

      教材9折优惠价格:  $108.00


      The total price paid for this product page includes shipping USA - MACAU 




  • 5.85 lb
  • 可售


使用 地平线前代数套装 让您的孩子顺利过渡到高级数学!这门基督教课程建立在基本数学运算的基础上,包括基本代数、三角学、几何学和现实生活应用的实践课程。该套装包括包含 160 节引人入胜的课程的全彩学生作业簿、用户友好的教师指南以及用于评估学生进度的单独测试和资源书。


Give your child a smooth transition into advanced math with the Horizons Pre-Algebra Set! This popular Alpha Omega curriculum builds on basic math operations with hands-on lessons in basic algebra, trigonometry, geometry, and real-life applications. The set includes a full-color student workbook with 160 engaging lessons, a user-friendly teacher's guide, and a separate tests and resources book for evaluating student progress.




使用 阿尔法欧米茄出版社 的 地平线七年级前代数套装 为您的中学生准备更高水平的数学课程!这个为期一年的基督教数学课程让学生学习整数、小数、分数、百分比、根和指数的基本运算,并向他们介绍代数、三角学、几何和令人兴奋的现实生活应用中的数学构建概念。


本课程分为 160 节课,配有一本可消费的学生书、一本学生测试和资源书,以及一本易于使用的教师指南。这门 地平线 数学课程的每十节课都从一组具有挑战性的问题开始,这些问题可以帮助学生为标准化数学测试做好准备,并以个人访谈为特色,展示个人如何在日常生活中使用数学。




  Prepare your middle school student for higher level math courses with the Horizons Pre-Algebra Set from Alpha Omega Publications! This year-long Horizons math course takes students from basic operations in whole numbers, decimals, fractions, percents, roots, and exponents and introduces them to math-building concepts in algebra, trigonometry, geometry, and exciting real-life applications.


  Divided into 160 lessons, this Alpha Omega curriculum comes complete with one consumable student book, a student tests and resources book, and an easy-to-use teacher's guide. Every block of ten lessons in this Horizons math course begins with a challenging set of problems that prepares students for standardized math testing and features personal interviews showing how individuals make use of math in their everyday lives.



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